Decor: Dream or Nightmare?

Décor is an important part of most fundraising events and has the potential to have a major impact on how much money you raise. Décor can transform a venue into a different place, transport attendees to a new world, and help tell the tale of your mission. Décor can also be a hinderance, actively work against your fundraising, and run roughshod on your budget.

We have seen some incredible décor over the years. For example, every February, the Boys and Girls Club of Sonoma Valley transforms their gymnasium into a spectacular setting for a high-end gala, utilizing a combination of drape and lighting. Looking at photos of the event, you would never guess it was in a gym. But you never have to look too far to remember where you are, and why you are there.

The Sweetheart Gala always takes place in the Boys and Girls Club’s gym, but it doesn’t feel that way.

Save the Redwoods League consistently does an amazing job of utilizing décor to communicate their mission at their galas. Whether it is in a tent on Union Square or a boxy warehouse space in the Presidio, they always manage to create a mood that feels connected to the forest, through lights, visuals, and use of live plants and trees.

Décor doesn’t have to be over-the-top to serve a valuable purpose. We’ve seen many events utilize retractable banner stands to communicate their mission and message and empower attendees to get in the frame of mind of supporting the cause.

The one place we’ve seen décor go most awry is at the tables, specifically, in the center of them. Centerpieces have the potential to become a massive hindrance for us as auctioneers. Tall centerpieces can make it hard to see bidders, and actively hinder our ability to do our jobs. It can not be overstated: Tall centerpieces make it harder for us to see the crowd and for the crowd to see us onstage. It creates a sense of separation in the room – in a bad way.

These centerpieces were so tall, Greg opted to do the auction from the floor instead of the stage.

We won’t play at being arbiters of taste, but we will say that when planning your décor, do it with intention. If the goal is to create an atmosphere of giving, how can the décor help serve that purpose? If the theme is important to your crowd, how can you meet their expectations while staying true to the fundraising?

Lighting is a cost-effective method of transforming a space, and lighting can also be used to change mood during an event. Remote-controlled, battery-powered LED lights can change color with the click of a button and be synchronized to do so throughout the room at the same time. Changing the color of the lights washing the stage between speakers can make for dramatic entrances and exits, and help to focus the crowd’s attention.

Be creative. Utilize modern technology. Make your event memorable and profitable. The one thing you should not do is create centerpieces that block sightlines. Seriously.