moth radio hour

Greg Quiroga Featured on The Moth Radio Hour Broadcast

Stellar fundraising auctioneer Greg Quiroga is also an avid storyteller and stage performer. Since 2012, when he is not onstage raising money for non-profit organizations, he likes to tell stories at local The MOTH story slams.

Greg Quiroga, performing onstage at The Moth.

Greg has won numerous local story slams and been invited to perform in multiple Moth Grand Slams at the Castro Theater. This past December one of Greg’s stories was selected for inclusion on The Moth Radio Hour, which is heard on over 575 public radio stations nationwide. It’s an incredible honor, especially given the tens of thousands of stories The Moth has to choose from.

If you didn’t happen to catch the story when it aired, you can listen to it on The Moth’s website here. And if you want to see some of the extra material Greg submitted to go along with the story, scroll to the bottom of the page at this link.